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Hi Fred
Wow, it’s actually working, I can’t adam and eve it
If not for you talking me through this, doing the video’s etc I would have given up. So I’m really thankful you did, so a bug thanks Fred and I honestly can’t stress that too much.
It’s a real buzz getting this working. I would have still had issues if not for your messages and as I said your video and the usb current problems..
However, they were not the only problems. When I messaged M2P about their pre-burned SD cards Maximillian got back to me and said they would be the same as I already downloaded.
So he asked me a few more questions because he knew the bulk of the issues as he had read the thread and he asked how I was accessing the M2P GUI and that whatever browser I was using because I HAD to have javascript enabled in the browswer I was using.
I was using the Pi and that was the probelm.
As soon as accessed M2P using my desktop, which did have javascript enabled, all worked and what a joy that was.
Now just loading my music files but I did try it with just one album and it worked fine, phew.
Also I tried to purchase the access point plugin software and it said my email address was’nt registered but I am, so I have sent a message to M2P to ask if this can untangle this.
So sorry for not getting back sooner Fred as I honestly thought I had posted a message to you. Really soory as I knew I have written it. Maybe in the depths of sorting this, or when I had my euraka moment I mught have had a „funny turn“ and shut the forum page down without sending my message.
But thanks for sticking with me on this Fred as I’m sure the drive and Pi would have been boxed up and forgotton
All the same, thanks for your help and I hope you have a great christmas and even better new year, all the best Fred and thanks very Much.
And to MAx too for the Java fix, I’ll post this later for the others behind me who may get in to the same situation.