Reply To: [SOLVED] Infrared remote for Max2Play rpi Squeezebox

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) [SOLVED] Infrared remote for Max2Play rpi Squeezebox Reply To: [SOLVED] Infrared remote for Max2Play rpi Squeezebox

17. Dezember 2015 at 9:10 #17382

In the meantime I got a Flirc infrared USB stick ( A little bit more expensive than the solutions you are discussing (I had to pay 25 Euro for the stick) but working out of the box.
No problems to get it up and running. The stick emulates a standard keyboard so you only have to put a keyboard at your RPi and check the keystrokes you need in the application you are using.
I use an old remote from an now unused BluRay player and it now controls Max2Play Squeezelite. May be an alternative for those who get frustrated with their diy solutions…

Regards Rainer